Caga Sentenças

Todo o Português caga a sua sentença. Neste espaço venho deixar a minha poia.

sábado, março 04, 2006

What's his name, mister president?

Mister president George W. Bush Jr.,

just in case you watch this web-blog I must tell you I remember when you were in your first campaign for president someone asked you what's the name of the president of Pakistan. And you had no idea!

I hope by now you know his name, now you are visiting him in his own country. And remember, he is your main ally in the area.

If you don't know, let me tell you he is Pervez Musharraf, a servant of you.



  • At 12:40 da manhã, Anonymous Anónimo said…

    Yesss!... Yah meu, without 'papas na língua!!!'

  • At 1:50 da tarde, Blogger Avó do Miau said…

    Ou como dizia o outro: " Eu seduzo que sim!"
    Até breve,

  • At 12:47 da manhã, Anonymous Anónimo said…

    Thank you to remember me that. I'm glad that there are cybercoffees in Pakistan and I saw your blog because I didn't remember his name, but I remember the shame I felt in the other time.

  • At 3:47 da manhã, Anonymous Anónimo said…

    President George W. Shrub is great man (homem grande...). Stop poking fun at him. His culture and knowledge of world affairs is outstanding. A true man of piss, I mean to say, a true man of peace (that does not sound quite right!).


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